Negocios Now announces its annual Supplier Diversity edition


Negocios Now, the national award-winning Hispanic business publication, announces the next installment of their special edition focused on supplier diversity to celebrate the contribution of corporations and government entities to Hispanic business power.

The colorful glossy special edition will launch during Hispanic Heritage Month and deliver profiles of corporations and Hispanic-certified companies with growth opportunities as minority enterprises.

“We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in its own way with an edition that brings together corporations and government agencies that provide opportunities to certified minority businesses, said publisher Clemente Nicado.

The deadline to participate as a sponsor in the edition is September 15

“We can’t wait to see this edition that offers the possibility of showing the commitment of corporate and government agencies to the Latino business community in terms of purchasing services and other opportunities,” said Nicado.

The edition named Hispanic Businesses, empowering the Latino business community, is a unique opportunity to gather stories of executives in corporations and business owners in one edition and celebrate them together.

Since the launch of Negocios Now in 2007, Supplier Diversity has been a prominent topic year after year, profiling various companies nationwide.  

“No other media organization has dedicated more effort and coverage than Negocios Now in Chicago over the past 16 years. We never give up on being a bridge between the Hispanic business community and the many opportunities, whatever they may be,” said Nicado.

For sponsorship or advertising opportunities, contact Yanin Valentin at 

About Negocios Now:

Founded in 2007 by Nicado Publishing Company, Negocios Now is the most awarded  Latino business publication in the U.S. and the most dynamic news source in the Midwest for emerging Hispanic businesses. Negocios Now focuses primarily on business owners, entrepreneurs, and economic development within the Latino community. Negocios Now also hosts Who’s Who in Hispanic Business and Latinos 40 under 40.