Negocios Now announces “Latinos in Technology” special edition


CHICAGO.- Negocios Now, the award-winning Hispanic business publication based in Chicago, announced that in February it will launch a new, nationally-distributed, special edition focused on Latinos in technology.

The bilingual edition will feature entrepreneurs from different cities who have been involved in this industry. Negocios Now counts on Comcast Business Class among other sponsors in order to produce this edition.

“We are excited to share articles not only from and about Latinos in technology in Chicago, but also from and about these leaders in San Diego, San Antonio, Washington DC, Atlanta, New York, Miami, and other cities,” said Clemente Nicado, Negocios Now’s editor and publisher.

The special edition will include an exclusive interview with Howard Tullman, president and CEO of 1871, a technology and entrepreneur incubator in Chicago.

Jose Marquez, CEO, TechLatino, at Latinos in Information Science and Technology Association (LISTA) highlighted the importance of informing Latinos about this topic.

“In order to ensure that America remains a world leader, we must create an educated, skilled workforce in the vital areas of science, math, engineering, and information technology,” he said, “so that we are not only consumers but creators as well. It’s a critical time, we must continue to move forward now more than ever,” Marquez added.

Technology has been a recurring topic in Negocios Now since the publication was founded in August, 2007.

“Our very first special edition was focused on technology. It is not a coincidence. Technology is the engine of any business, especially for small businesses that frequently face huge challenges to grow,” said Nicado. “We will feed the tech information pipeline for Latinos and reach them in major markets, and hope it will spread.”   For more information, contact Kelly Yelmene at or call at 773-942-7410