Mayra Salinas


Engineering integrity


Organization: Enbridge

Title: Specialist, GTM Asset Integrity Business Planning

City: Houston

State: Texas


As a specialist in GTM (Gas Transmission & Midstream) at Enbridge, a Canadian multinational pipeline company, Mayra Salinas wears many hats.

She is accountable for the development and execution of an asset integrity strategic plan, departmental communications as well as serving as chief of staff for the vice president of GTM asset integrity. She also is tasked with taking the lead in developing material for the board and other executive-level meetings.

During her eight years with the company, she has also served as operational compliance senior engineer where she facilitated compliance across GTM pipelines in the U.S. and served to provide direction and support during incidents. In her role she was responsible for providing annual reporting to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, or PHMSA, a governmental department within the U.S. Department of Transportation Agency.

Among her responsibilities, while based in Houston, Texas was to spearhead inspections and coordinate responses across various departments. She rose to this level after serving as an operational engineer.

At Enbridge, she is also active with the company’s employee resource groups and serves as chair for Females in Engineering and Stem, or FEMINEN, in Houston and is secretary for Ethically Diverse Group of Employees US, or EDGE, as well as being active in various diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Before Enbridge, the professional engineer and project manager served as pipeline integrity engineer and structural engineer at Wood Group.  She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Houston.

With her background in diversity and inclusion, she understands the major role that organizations like HACE play to recognize the next generation of leaders and provide role models they can aspire to follow. She said HACE instills pride in her when she sees other Hispanic/Latino leaders being recognized. HACE serves to provide recognition of journeys with which she can identify.

Seeing someone that looks and sounds like her be successful is a great motivator toward success and to pay it forward.